
Smart Home Audio(325)




I3900FYI is a digital ChipCorder® featuring digital compression, comprehensive memory management, and integrated analog/digital audio signal paths. The message management feature is designed to make message recording simple and address-free as well as make code development easier for playback-only applications.

I3900FYI utilizes flash memory to provide non-volatile audio record/playback for a two-chip solution. I3900FYI provides an I2S digital audio interface, faster digital recording, higher sampling frequency, and a signal path with SNR equivalent to 12bit resolution.

Target Applications:

Home Appliance - Audio Feedback
Automotive - HMI
Security Alarm System - Fire, Smoke, Carbon Monoxide detectors
Medical Monitor - Audio Feedback, Voice Prompt
Gaming Console - Audio Prompt

Key Features:

Duration / Flash Storage
  - 64 min with 8kHz/4bit ADPCM in 128Mbit Flash
Audio Management
  - Voice Prompts - Store pre-recorded audio
  - Voice Macros - Execute pre-programmed macro scripts
Sample Rate
  - 7 sampling frequencies 4 / 5.3 / 6.4 / 8 / 12.8 / 16 / 32 KHz
Audio Output
  - PWM: Class D speaker driver to direct drive an 8Ω speaker or buzzer.
  - 400mW@3V
  - 1W@5V
I/O Interfaces
  - 1 set of SPI interface
  - 4 x GPIO multiplexed with SPI interface
Operating Characteristics
  - Voltage range: 2.7V ~ 3.6V
  - Temperature range: -40°C ~ 85°C
  - LQFP-48 (7x7mm)