
Smart Office UC Headset Solution

This solution is suitable for all headsets because the technological advancement of the network allows the IP phone system, remote collaboration, SMS, voice mail, and video conferencing to be unified on all platforms and terminals. PCs, IP phones, conference systems, mobile phones, tablets, laptops, various operating systems, and hardware are most commonly used by general office workers, such as Microsoft TEAMS, MEET, and Zoom.

  • Features
    Microphone Input (NS) Noise Suppression targeted to improve collaborator’s user experience
    Narrower Frequency Response, focus on Speech Quality
    - USB Codec for Wire/ Wireless, Audio SoC required in the market
  • Specifications
    ISD91535  (Arm® Cortex®-M0, 49 MHz)
    - SRAM: 20 KB, Flash: 64 KB
    - Operating Voltage: 1.7 to 3.6V
    1 ADC for microphone, 90 dB SNR, 8 to 48 KHz
    Stereo 24-bit DAC with Class-AB 40 mW headphone driver
    12 channels of 12-bit ADC
    USB 2.0 FS
    - Up to 50 GPIO
  • System Block Diagram
    Smart Office UC Headset Solution