
Smoke / CO Detector

Most applications for Combination Smoke & Carbon Monoxide alarm detector with Voice & Location require easy to program home locations. The voice alarm not only tells you what part of the home is in danger but whether the danger is smoke or carbon monoxide.

A smart smoke detector that doesn't screech out some annoying sound but, rather, gives you a soothing voice that tells you something's wrong.

Why Select Digital ISD Series?

  • Nuvoton’s Digital ChipCorder  can store up to 64 Min of audio for Multiple languages
      without changing the firmware.
  • Excellent Audio quality
  • One Watt speaker driver for loudness.
  • Nuvoton ChipCorder not only provided, Versatility for reprogramming and highest audio
      quality, but also provides helpful audio guidance storage.
  • Extremely low current consumption when the device is not active < 1u amp


Smoke Alarm Detector