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Training  Tool  Learning  Watch time - 12:37
Due to Mbed discontinuing the Online Compiler, starting from the new NuMaker-IoT-M467 development platform, the offline tool Mbed Studio is used. First, we introduce how to use Mbed Studio to develop on NuMaker-IoT-M467 development platform. #MCU #CortexM4 #M467 #NuMaker #MbedOS #Nuvoton #NuMicro #Microcontroller #Basic #Tool #Training #Learning #en - For more information, please visit Nuvoton Technology Website: buy now: contact us:
Product  Learning  Watch time - 3:52
M0A23 is an automotive grade microcontroller which passed AEC-Q100 Grade 1. M0A23 is an microcontroller based on Cortex-M0. The NuMicro® M0A23U series runs up to 48 MHz and supports hardware divider. It provides 32 Kbytes Flash memory, 4 Kbytes SRAM. It provides compact package, rich analog peripherals, -40°C to 125°C operating temperature, 2.4V ~ 5.5V operating voltage, CAN 2.0B and LIN interface for robust communication. #AEC-Q100 #125degree #Volcano #Microcontroller #Automotive #MCU #Nuvoton #NuMicro #M0A23 #Basic #Product #learning #en - For more information, please visit Nuvoton Technology Website: buy now: contact us:
Product  Learning  Watch time - 2:12
NuMaker-Volcano is the development board for Nuvoton NuMicro® M0A21/M0A23 microcontrollers. This board stands out with its compact size of only 2.5x5 millimeters, slightly larger than a coin. It comes equipped with the powerful M0A23 microcontroller, and all 28 pins are accessible for circuit board connections. Additionally, it features a Nu-Link2-Me for programming and debugger purposes. NuMaker-Volcano serves as a versatile platform for evaluating, developing, and validating industrial and automotive applications. #AEC-Q100 #125degree #Volcano #Microcontroller #Automotive #MCU #Nuvoton #NuMicro #M0A23 #Basic #Product #learning #en - For more information, please visit Nuvoton Technology Website: buy now: contact us:
Application  Seminar  Watch time - 25:11
Deepal Mehta Sr. Director, Business Development, InnoPhase IoT, Inc. Cloud Connected Ultra Low-Power Battery Operated IOT Sensors Sensors in the smart home and industrial automation applications need to be enabled with on device AI/ML capability while wirelessly connected and managed from the Cloud. Ultra-low power Wi-Fi wireless connectivity enabling battery life extending close to sensor device life is required to meet the challenging needs of today’s deployment with lowest TCO (total cost of ownership). Sensor to Cloud end-to-end Wi-Fi connectivity architecture which includes both platform level power management optimizations and higher performance are key to achieving always on cloud connected sensor emerging use-cases. Innophase IOT is focused on delivering to the promise of battery-operated Cloud connected IOT Sensor solution with its highly innovative platform level approach. – Learn more about Nuvoton IoT Security platform: Shop online: Contact us: #seminar #en #general #Application #M2354 #M2351 #Nuvoton #新唐科技 #NuMicro #MCU
Application  Seminar  Watch time - 20:56
Dongsoon Hwang Vice President, Global Business Development, Security Platform Inc. How to protect smart meters from cybersecurity threats? – Learn more about Nuvoton IoT Security platform: Shop online: Contact us: #seminar #en #general #Application #M2354 #M2351 #Nuvoton #新唐科技 #NuMicro #MCU
Product  Application  Seminar  Watch time - 3:45
Introduce Nuvoton's GUI solution. Nuvoton GUI platform supports TFT-LCD with different interfaces and resolutions. The platform includes low power, high-performance MCUs (microcontroller), and MPUs (microprocessor) with built-in high-density DDR and graphics accelerator. We provide emWin, LVGL, Qt graphic libraries, and GUI tools such as AppWizard and SquareLine for you to easily create embedded system GUI. Today, we will give you a quick introduction of three of the NuMaker-HMI evaluation boards. ● NuMaker-HMI-M467 ● NuMaker-HMI-N9H30 ● NuMaker-HMI-MA35D1-S1 #en #Product #Application #General #Seminar #2023 Roadshow #Nuvoton #GUI #NuMicro #MCU #NuMaker-HMI-M467 #NuMaker-HMI-N9H30 #NuMaker-HMI-MA35D1-S1 - For more information, please visit Nuvoton Technology Website: buy now: contact us:
Product  Application  Seminar  Watch time - 3:18
AppWizard is a graphic human-machine interface design tool that supports the emWin graphics library. This tool allows GUI design and development to be completed with minimal coding using a drag-and-drop interface and settings. This demo showcases the use of the AppWizard tool with the M467 development platform to design an electric bicycle dashboard interface. Therefore, the video will be divided into two parts: the M467 development platform introduction and the key features of the AppWizard. #en #Product #Application #General #Seminar #2023 Roadshow #Nuvoton #Nuvoton #E-bike #Dashboard #emWin AppWizard #NuMicro #MCU #M467 - For more information, please visit Nuvoton Technology Website: buy now: contact us:
Tool  Learning  Watch time - 14:35
NuTool-LCDView is a software tool designed to assist in the development of COM/Segment LCD. This tool can directly generate LCD configuration code and provide developers with real-time LCD display effects on the PC without the need for a physical screen. LCDView allows developers to simulate, debug and complete LCD project development more easily and quickly. ● Download NuTool – LCDView: #Nuvoton #MCU #Basic #Tool #SoftwareTool #NuTool #LCDView #ML54 #ML56 #M254 #M256 #M258 #M2354 #Learning #en - For more information, please visit Nuvoton Technology Website: buy now: contact us:
Training  Application  Tool  Learning  Watch time - 7:37
This video shows the HMI example code of emWin AppWizard by using Nuvoton M467 development board. It includes the description of the sample code, the explanation of the code, and the steps to compile and download the sample program. Finally, it shows the result of the operation of the HMI sample code, so that users can easily operate Nuvoton's development board and the HMI sample code according to the steps. #NuMicro #Nuvoton #Basic #Application #Tool #Training #Learning #en #HMI #M4 #N9H #MA35D1 #emWin #AppWizard #GUI - For more information, please visit Nuvoton Technology Website: buy now: contact us:
Training  Learning  Junior  Watch time - 8:51
This video demonstrates the sample code of Timer by Nuvoton M031/M032 evaluation board. It includes the sample code description, source code tracing, and the steps to compile and download. You can also see how the sample code works in the end of this video. Users could easily know how to use Timer sample code and Nuvoton evaluation board by following the steps. #Level1Workshop #Timer #M0 #NuMaker-M032SE #Keil #Nuvoton #MCU #Level1 #Workshop #NuMicro #Nuvoton #SampleCode #Basic #General #Training #Learning #en - For more information, please visit Nuvoton Technology Website: buy now: contact us:
Training  Learning  Watch time - 12:26
This video demonstrates two sample codes of PWM by Nuvoton M031/M032 evaluation board. The first sample code is about breathing light. The second sample code is about fixed PWM duty. The video includes the sample code description, source code tracing, and the steps to compile and download. You can also see how the sample codes work as well. Users could easily know how to use PWM sample codes and Nuvoton evaluation board by following the steps. #Level1Workshop #PWM #BreathingLight #Dynamic-PWM-duty #Fixed-PWM-duty #NuMicro #Nuvoton #MCU #SampleCode #Basic #General #Training #Learning #en - For more information, please visit Nuvoton Technology Website: buy now: contact us:
Training  Learning  Watch time - 7:24
This video demonstrates the sample code of ADC by Nuvoton M031/M032 evaluation board. The sample code shows how to use Bandgap voltage to calculate the supply voltage. It includes the sample code description, source code tracing, and the steps to compile and download. You can also see how the sample code works in the end of this video. Users could easily know how to use ADC sample code and Nuvoton evaluation board by following the steps. #ADC #Bandgap #NuMicro #Nuvoton #MCU #SampleCode #PowerSupplyMonitoring #Basic #General #Training #Learning #en - For more information, please visit Nuvoton Technology Website: buy now: contact us:
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