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애플리케이션  공부하다  Watch time - 2:56
The Magic Board is a portable MCU playground, unleashing your creativity by downloading source code to create your own Magic. The Magic Board consists of three parts: an 8 x 24 COM/SEG TN-LCD panel board, a USB Type-C port and 3 capacitive touch keys. This unique blend of features positions the Magic Board as the optimal choice for creating compact and visually immersive systems. #Nuvoton #NuMicro #Microcontroller #MCU #en #M258 #TN-LCD #Capacitive Touch Keys #USB 2.0 Full Speed #Arm® Cortex®-M23 #Basic #Application #Learning - For more information, please visit Nuvoton Technology Website: Buy now: Contact us:
제품  공부하다  Watch time - 4:27
In control systems, signal conditioning is crucial for optimizing sensor signals, ensuring accuracy, and enabling reliable data acquisition for effective control. Analog-to-digital converters and operational amplifiers are essential components for achieving optimal signal conditioning. Today we’ll introduce the NADC24 24-bit ADC, along with NOP912 and NOP914 operational amplifiers, which are designed to enhance signal conditioning for your system. #AnalogIC #ADC #OperationalAmplifier #NOP912 #NOP914 #NADC24 #IndustrialControl #nuvoton #NuMicro #Microcontroller #MCU #en #General #Product #Learning #operationalamplifier - For more information, please visit Nuvoton Technology Website: buy now: contact us:
제품  공부하다  Watch time - 3:40
在控制系統中,訊號調節的作用是優化感測器的輸出訊號,確保訊號的準確度,以進行精準的控制。類比數位轉換器和運算放大器是實現訊號調節的兩種重要元件。今天,我們將為各位介紹新唐科技的NADC24 24位元 ADC,以及 NOP912 和 NOP914 運算放大器 #Analog IC #ADC #OperationalAmplifier #NOP912 #NOP914 #NADC24 #IndustrialControl #類比IC #nuvoton #NuMicro #Microcontroller #MCU #zh-Hant #General #Product #Learning - For more information, please visit Nuvoton Technology Website: buy now: contact us:
Watch time - 2:17
本應用使用NuEdgeWise Tool 訓練出物件偵測的模型後,將模型 Porting到M55M1的開發板上,進而達到能實作出藥物辨識系統的功能,能運用輔助藥師、病患、作業人員,快速的分類藥物種類。 - 更多產品資訊,請至新唐科技網站 購買管道: 聯絡我們: #Nuvoton #NuMicro #新唐科技 #MCU #NuMicro M55M1 #TinyML #AI #人工智能
제품  기타  Watch time - 2:54
NuMicro® M433 is Nuvoton's latest versatile microcontroller based on the Arm® Cortex®-M4 architecture, with a maximum speed of 144 MHz and featuring a signal processing accelerator and floating-point computation capabilities suitable for entry-level applications. This controller offers 128 KB of Flash memory and 64 KB of SRAM to store and process various data in real-time. The M433 also provides a rich set of peripherals, including CAN, FS USB, a 5 Msps ADC, and more, to meet the needs of diverse application scenarios. More info: #NuMicro #M433 #HighPerformance #USB #CAN #DSP #FPU #EntryLevel #GeneralPurpose #Nuvoton #NuMicro #Microcontroller #mcuworld #en #General #Product #Others #en - For more information, please visit Nuvoton Technology Website: Buy now: Contact us:
애플리케이션  공부하다  Watch time - 2:30
Magic Board ——玩轉MCU 創意,體驗LCD、TOUCH、以及USB 三種功能一次全部擁有!只需下載新唐提供的程序碼,隨時隨地客製化內容,Magic的力量,盡在你的手中。 #M258 #TN-LCD #Capacitive Touch Keys #USB 2.0 Full Speed #Arm® Cortex®-M23 #Basic #Application #Learning #zh-Hant #M254 #M256 #Low Power #Nuvoton #Magic Board - 更多產品資訊,請至新唐科技網站 購買管道: 聯絡我們:
제품  공부하다  Watch time - 2:57
NuMicro MA35D0 系列是針對工業邊緣裝置應用的高效能微處理器。 它基於雙 64/32 位元 Arm Cortex-A35 內核,高性能內核運行頻率高達 650 MHz。 此影片介紹了MA35D0的特點與規格。 #MPU #MA35D0 #MA35 #Nuvoton MPU #edge device #gateway #微處理器 #人機介面 #新唐科技微處理器 #邊緣裝置 #網關 #Nuvoton #General #Product #Learning #zh-Hant - 更多產品資訊,請至新唐科技網站 購買管道: 聯絡我們:
제품  기타  Watch time - 2:0
NuMicro® M433是新唐最新基於高效能Arm® Cortex®-M4架構微控制器,最高速度可達144 MHz並帶有訊號處理加速器及浮點運算功能適用於入門級高運算場景。該控制器提供128 KB Flash以及64 KB SRAM可儲存並即時運算多種數據資料。M433並提供豐富周邊,包含CAN、FS USB、5Msps ADC等等功能以滿足各種不同場景需求。 產品資訊: - #Nuvoton #NuMicro #M433 #MCU #Microcontroller #General #Product #Others #zh-Hant #高效能 #USB #CAN #DSP #FPU #入門級 #通用 #高泛用性 - 更多產品資訊,請至新唐科技網站 購買管道: 聯絡我們:
제품  공부하다  Watch time - 3:34
The NuMicro MA35D0 series is a high-performance microprocessor targeted to industrial edge device applications. It is based on dual 64/32-bit Arm Cortex-A35 cores, the high-performance cores run up to 650 MHz. This video introduces the key features of MA35D0. #Nuvoton #NuMicro #Microcontroller #MCU #en #Nuvoton #NuMicro #Microcontroller #MCU #en #MPU #MA35D0 #MA35 #edge device #gateway #General #Product #Learning - For more information, please visit Nuvoton Technology Website: buy now: contact us:
제품  기타  Watch time - 1:25
USB4的傳輸速度是傳統 USB 3.2 的兩倍,但是需要解決訊號品質下降和顯著的傳輸損耗等問題,而造成客戶供應鏈(包括開發、制造、采購和維護)等總成本的增加。本視頻介紹了新唐科技日本爲解決這些問題而開發的Re-Timer IC。 #numicro #Nuvoton #NuMicro #Microcontroller #MCU #zh-Hant #USB #Re-Timer #Interface #PC #Cable #VR #Computer peripherals #General #Product #Others #KM864741 #KM864742 #重定時器 #線纜 - 更多產品資訊,請至新唐科技網站 購買管道: 聯絡我們
제품  기타  Watch time - 4:32
USB4的傳輸速度是傳統 USB 3.2 的兩倍,但是需要解決訊號品質下降和顯著的傳輸損耗等問題,而造成客戶供應鏈(包括開發、制造、采購和維護)等總成本的增加。本視頻介紹了新唐科技日本爲解決這些問題而開發的Re-Timer IC。 #numicro #Nuvoton #NuMicro #Microcontroller #MCU #zh-Hant #USB #Re-Timer #Interface #PC #Cable #VR #Computer peripherals #General #Product #Others #KM864741 #KM864742 #重定時器 #線纜 - 更多產品資訊,請至新唐科技網站 購買管道: 聯絡我們
제품  기타  Watch time - 4:32
USB4, which has been twice as fast as conventional USB 3.2, requires solutions to various challenges such as signal quality degradation and increased costs across the value chain including customer development, manufacturing, procurement, and maintenance due to significant transmission loss. This video introduces Re-Timer IC that Nuvoton Technology Japan has developed to address these challenges. #Nuvoton #NuMicro #Microcontroller #MCU #en #USB #Re-Timer #Interface #PC #Cable #VR #Computer peripherals #General #Product #Others #KM864741 #KM864742 - For more information, please visit Nuvoton Technology Website: buy now: contact us: