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培訓  工具  學習  影片長度 - 8:57
Hello everyone, I am the principal engineer of Nuvoton Technology, Morgan. The development board we are using today is Nuvoton’s NuMaker-IoT-M487. It is powered by the NuMicro M487 microcontroller with Arm Cortex-M4 core, built-in RJ45 Ethernet, and Wi-Fi module allowing users to connect to clouds by wire or wirelessly. It supports several RTOS including Arm Mbed OS, Amazon FreeRTOS, and AliOS Things. Today, I will show you how to use Mbed OS on the NuMaker-IoT-M487 development board. First, open Chrome browser, enter the URL https://os.mbed.com to register an account if you don’t have one. Move the mouse cursor to the human icon in the upper right corner then click “Log in or Sign up” or click “Sign up for free” directly. Then click “Sign up” Fill in your e-mail address and relevant information, and finally click Sign up. Check your mailbox to receive the certification letter and authorize it. Then let’s log in to use the online compiler environment. Move to the human icon in the upper right corner, and then click “Log in or Sign up”. And enter your account and password. After a successful login, it will return to the first page and then click “Compiler” on the left side of the human icon. It will lead us to the online compiler web page. The following demonstration is all operated on this page Click “No device selected” in the upper right corner to add and select Nuvoton’s NuMaker-IoT-M487 development board. It opens the “Select a Platform” page. We click the button, show “Add Board” with green “+”, in the lower-left corner. Next, it shows the page, let us choose a board. Scroll down to find NuMaker-IoT-M487, and click it. It opens the NuMaker-IoT-M487 board page (https://os.mbed.com/platforms/NUMAKER-IOT-M487/). Scroll down the page to find the button “+Add to your Mbed Compiler”, and click it. Click “Compiler” on top of the page to return to the online compiler environment. If the “NuMaker-IoT-M487” small icon appears in the upper right corner, you can start to import a sample code. Otherwise, click “No device selected” again. At this time, you can see the NuMaker-IoT-M487 icon already in the “Select a Platform” dialog box, click the icon to select it and then click “Select Platform” in the upper right corner. It returns to the online compiler page, and the “NuMaker-IoT-M487” icon shows in the top right corner. You can now start to import a sample code. First, click “New” on the top left side, a small “Create new program” dialog box appears. The “Platform” selects “NuMaker-IoT-M487” automatically. In the “Template” field, please select “mbed OS Blinky HelloWorld” example code, click OK. You can see the sample project has been loaded on the page, click “main.cpp” to show the source code. Let’s add a printf() function to print out a string in the main program. Check if statements are correct, save it, and click “Compile” to build code. Now it’s compiling, let’s wait for a moment. And you can see a lot of messages at the bottom of the page. The last message is “Success!” The browser will download the binary firmware file directly after a successful compiling. It will be saved in a default download folder or any folder based on your browser setting. In Chrome, you can click download file and select “Show in folder”. Then we need to connect the NuMaker-IoT-M487 USB port to your computer and make sure the onboard LED lights up. Let’s head back to the download folder where you can see the binary firmware file (mbed-os-example-blinky.NUMAKER_IOT_M487.bin). Drag and drop the file to NuMicro MCU drive. You will see the copying progress dialog box. After the copy is completed, the firmware starts to execute. One LED on board starts blinking. To see the printout message, go on the following steps. Please find the virtual COM port assigned for NuMaker-IoT-M487 in Device Manager. In the demonstration, the “Nu-Link Virtual Com Port” is COMx. Then use your terminal tool of choice. Here we use Putty. Open the COMx port with 9600 baud rate, 8 bits, 1 stop bit, none parity, and no flow control settings. You can see “Hello World!” printed in the terminal. That’s all for this tutorial. Thank you for watching. If you want to know more information, please contact us at SalesSupport@nuvoton.com - For more information, please visit Nuvoton Technology Website: https://bit.ly/3hVdcmC Buy now: https://direct.nuvoton.com/tw/numaker-iot-m487 Contact us: SalesSupport@nuvoton.com #Tool #Training #Learning #Intermediate #en
影片長度 - 4:56
具備豐富功能的 NuMaker IoT 物聯網開發平台,經過數種即時作業系統(RTOS)與雲端的認證。在這個影片裡,我們將介紹 NuMaker-IoT-M487 開發板,支援的即時作業系統和雲端,以及物聯網應用示範。 - 更多產品資訊,請至新唐科技網站 https://bit.ly/3hVdcmC 購買管道:https://direct.nuvoton.com/tw/ 聯絡我們: SalesSupport@nuvoton.com
前瞻應用  學習  影片長度 - 3:48
The rich features of NuMaker IoT platforms have been certified by several RTOS and clouds. In this video, we introduce the NuMaker-IoT-M487 development board, supported OS and clouds, and an IoT demonstration. #Application #Learning #Basic #en - For more information, please visit Nuvoton Technology Website: https://bit.ly/3hVdcmC buy now: https://direct.nuvoton.com/tw/ contact us: SalesSupport@nuvoton.com
影片長度 - 29:40
介紹新唐 NuMaker IoT 開發平台功能,包含支援的作業系統、網路、雲端,以及應用與實際案例。 更多產品資訊,請至新唐科技網站 https://bit.ly/3hVdcmC 購買管道:https://direct.nuvoton.com/tw/ 聯絡我們: SalesSupport@nuvoton.com
培訓  工具  學習  影片長度 - 8:49
以新唐 NuMaker-IoT-M487 為平台,您將學會如何使用 Mbed OS 範例程式,並練習如何秀出Hello World! 哈囉大家好,我是新唐工程師Miya,新唐的NuMaker-IoT-M487 開發板,以基於Arm Cortex-M4為核心的 NuMicro M487 微控制器為主控,內建 RJ45 乙太網路與 Wi-Fi 模組,讓使用者可以有線或無線的方式連接雲端,可連接Arm Mbed,阿里雲與Amazon的FreeRTOS。 今天為大家介紹如何在我們新唐的NuMaker- IoT-M487上使用Mbed OS。 首先打開Chrome瀏覽器,輸入網址https://os.mbed.com/,註冊帳號。 點選右上角的人頭畫面,選Sign up/Log in,點選Sign up,填入相關資料 接著去信箱收認證件,回覆認證就完成註冊囉! 接著我們登入使用,點選右上角的人頭,選Sign up/Log in,點選Log in,輸入帳號密碼。 再來點選人頭旁邊黃色底黑字的Compiler,網頁會自動幫我們導到線上開發平台頁面。 接下來的示範都是在這個頁面上操作,點選右上角的No device selected,我們先新增新唐的NuMaker IoT-M487開發板。 系統會幫我們打開Select a Platform頁面,我們點選左下角的按鈕,顯示綠色”+” Add Board,接下來會自動開啟這個頁面,讓我們選擇板子。 往下一點點找到我們的NuMaker- IoT-M487並點選,點選後會自動開啟NuMaker-IoT-M487的頁面(https://os.mbed.com/platforms/NUMAKER-IOT-M487/)將頁面接著往下拉,右邊會有藍底白字的橢圓形按鈕,顯示” +Add your Mbed Compiler”,點選它。 我們按一下上方compiler,回到線上開發平台頁面,若右上角有出現 “NuMaker-IoT-M487及板子小圖示”,就可以開始進行Sample code下載 若沒出現就再點一次 “No device selected”,這邊用另一個頁面示範,這時會跳出板子小頁面,右下方就出現了我們剛才選的NuMaker-IoT-M487板子畫面,請點它一下,在這頁面中按右上角的 “Select Platform”,我們跳回原本的頁面。 現在可以看到sample code已經load在頁面,點一下main.cpp,我們要示範印出Hello World。所以在主程式裡我們加一行指令:printf(“Hello World!\r\n”);確認一下有沒有寫錯,存檔,按一下Compile。 現在Compile中,我們等待一下。 之後可以看到頁面下方出現了很多描述,最下面會秀出Success! 系統會把我們compile完成的bin檔放在download資料夾,我們可以直接從下方進入,上拉後,點一下 “Show in folder”接著我們需要先把NuMaker-IoT-M487板子跟PC接上USB,確認板子有亮燈就是通電了。 我們回到剛才的資料夾,可以看到多了一個剛才compile完成的bin檔,按右鍵傳送到NuMicro MCU(E:) 這邊分配到哪一槽要看各位的電腦決定喔! 有成功點選到的話會出現傳送過去的畫面,接著我們要到電腦的裝置管理員查看分配到的port編號,本機按右鍵,點裝置管理員,找到連接埠(COM和LPT),找到USB序列裝置,我們就可以知道像這部PC分配給它的是COM3。 接下來使用終端機摸擬軟體,各位可以用自己熟悉的軟體操作即可,設定Serial line為COM3, Speed為9600,到SSH也確認一下 baud:9600, Data bits: 8, Stop bits: 1, Parity: None, Flow control: XON/XOFF,接著OPEN,就可以看到剛才編輯的Hello World!印出來了。 - 更多產品資訊,請至新唐科技網站 https://bit.ly/3hVdcmC 購買管道:https://direct.nuvoton.com/tw/numaker-iot-m487 聯絡我們: SalesSupport@nuvoton.com #Tool #Training #Learning #Intermediate #zh-Hant
創新產品  學習  影片長度 - 4:26
NUC980 Series Microprocessor is a solution designed for industrial control and industrial IoT applications, such as gateway, serial server, remote control unit, plug and play data collector and IoT development platforms. NUC980 series embedded with an ARM9 core supports Linux, FreeRTOS and Non-OS Board Supporting Package. By using MCP technology, NUC980 series supports up to 128 MB DRAM. Not only can NUC980 simplify your hardware design, but help your product time to market. A less-layered PCB and a reduced PCB size can lower the BOM cost. NUC980 supports 2 High Speed and 6 Full Speed USB Host controllers that can be used for a replaceable module due to the plug and play feature of USB interface. Other interfaces include 10 UART, 4 I2C, 3 SPI, 4 CAN BUS, and 2 Camera sensor interface. Designers can use these interfaces to collect or convert the data needed. NUC980 features AES, RSA, SHA and ECC hardware crypto accelerator for CPU offloading. This crypto engine can be applied at data transfer, identification, and key exchange.Nuvoton also provides IoT protocols like HTTP, HTTPS, MQTT, CoAP, openSSL to help customers accomplish a security IoT platform easily. Nuvoton NUC980 adopts MCP technology supporting up to 128 MB DRAM. Developers can design a secure IoT product fast and convenient with the help of the hardware crypto engine. Next, I will introduce related development platforms. NuMaker NUC980 Serial Server Board is suitable for applications like serial server or serial to Ethernet gateways. This develop board includes 2 10/100 Ethernet ports, 8 UART ports, 1 MicroSD Slot, 2 USB ports and 16MB SPI NOR Flash. NuMaker NUC980 USB developer board is suitable for data collection applications. This board includes 1 10/100 Ethernet port, 8 USB ports, 5 UART ports, and 128 MB NAND Flash. NuMaker NUC980 Industrial IOT developer board is suitable for IOT applications. This board includes 1 10/100 Ethernet Port, 2 USB ports, microphone input, earphone output, 128 MB SPI NAND Flash and an Arduino Compatible interface. - For more information, please visit Nuvoton Technology Website: https://bit.ly/3hVdcmC buy now: http://direct.nuvoton.com/arm9-mpus/ contact us: SalesSupport@nuvoton.com #Product #Learning #Basic #en
影片長度 - 3:56
NUC980為新唐提供的工業物聯網開發平台,適合應用於閘道器、串列伺服器、遠端控制裝置、隨插即用資料採集裝置及物聯網開發平台 NUC980 使用ARM9 內核,支援 Linux/FreeRTOS及Non-OS 的開發套件,採用MCP (Multi-Chip Package)封裝技術,內建最高達128 MB DRAM,讓硬體設計更容易,縮短產品上市時間。因為PCB層數減少、尺寸縮小,成本自然可以降低. 利用 USB具有即插即用的特性,NUC980擁有2組高速及6組全速USB主機控制器,實現可隨時更換模組的需求。其餘周邊介面如: 10組UART、4組I2C、3組SPI、4組CAN BUS及2組CMOS Sensor介面等,透過不同的介面達成資料轉換及資料採集的目的 NUC980內建AES、RSA、SHA及ECC的加解密引擎,可用於資料傳輸、身分認證及公私鑰交換,除了提升運算速度,並可有效降低CPU負載。另外,新唐也提供豐富的物聯網通訊協議,包含HTTP、HTTPS、MQTT、CoAP、openSSL等,幫助客戶加速完成高安全性的物聯網解決方案。 新唐NUC980採用MCP (Multi-Chip Package)技術,內建最高達128 MB DRAM,並提供硬體加解密引擎,協助客戶方便且快速設計安全的連網產品。接下來將為您介紹相關開發平台: -NuMaker NUC980 Serial Server開發板,適合應用於串列伺服器類型的產品開發,此開發板具備2組10/100 網路口、8組UART、1組MicroSD 卡槽、2組USB 接口以及 16 MB SPI NOR FLASH。 -NuMaker NUC980 USB開發板,適合應用於多組USB介面需求的資料採集裝置,此開發板具備1組 10/100 網路口、8組USB、5組UART及128 MB NAND FLASH。NuMaker NUC980 IIOT 開發板適合物聯網應用產品的開發,此開發板具備 1組 10/100 網路口、2 組USB 、麥克風輸入、耳機輸出、128 MB SPI NAND Flash以及 Arduino相容的介面 NUC980 Series Microprocessor is a solution designed for industrial control and industrial IoT applications, such as gateway, serial server, remote control unit, plug and play data collector and IoT development platforms. NUC980 series embedded with an ARM9 core supports Linux, FreeRTOS and Non-OS Board Supporting Package. By using MCP technology, NUC980 series supports up to 128 MB DRAM. Not only can NUC980 simplify your hardware design, but help your product time to market. A less-layered PCB and a reduced PCB size can lower the BOM cost. NUC980 supports 2 High Speed and 6 Full Speed USB Host controllers that can be used for a replaceable module due to the plug and play feature of USB interface. Other interfaces include 10 UART, 4 I2C, 3 SPI, 4 CAN BUS, and 2 Camera sensor interface. Designers can use these interfaces to collect or convert the data needed. NUC980 features AES, RSA, SHA and ECC hardware crypto accelerator for CPU offloading. This crypto engine can be applied at data transfer, identification, and key exchange.Nuvoton also provides IoT protocols like HTTP, HTTPS, MQTT, CoAP, openSSL to help customers accomplish a security IoT platform easily. Nuvoton NUC980 adopts MCP technology supporting up to 128 MB DRAM. Developers can design a secure IoT product fast and convenient with the help of the hardware crypto engine. Next, I will introduce related development platforms. NuMaker NUC980 Serial Server Board is suitable for applications like serial server or serial to Ethernet gateways. This develop board includes 2 10/100 Ethernet ports, 8 UART ports, 1 MicroSD Slot, 2 USB ports and 16MB SPI NOR Flash. NuMaker NUC980 USB developer board is suitable for data collection applications. This board includes 1 10/100 Ethernet port, 8 USB ports, 5 UART ports, and 128 MB NAND Flash. NuMaker NUC980 Industrial IOT developer board is suitable for IOT applications. This board includes 1 10/100 Ethernet Port, 2 USB ports, microphone input, earphone output, 128 MB SPI NAND Flash and an Arduino Compatible interface. - 更多產品資訊,請至新唐科技網站 https://bit.ly/3hVdcmC 購買網址:http://direct.nuvoton.com/arm9-mpus/ 聯絡我們:SalesSupport@nuvoton.com
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