
스마트 플러그

  • 애플리케이션  세미나  Watch time - 2:30
    各位觀眾朋友大家好,今天非常高興藉這個機會跟各位介紹基於新唐M235x系列支持線上串流服務的智能箱解決方案,我們將以Google Cast為例,首先說明一下M235x系列的特色功能,M235x系列是新唐基於Cortex-M23 CPU帶TrustZone架構的IoT Security MCU,他能夠保護IoT裝置在IoT的使用場景下資料的安全以及方方面面安全的考量,我們今天會有實際的智能音箱線上串流音樂服務的操作說明,同時輔以我們的輔助資料說明線上認證的過程,讓我們現在開始。 我們用一個實際的範例來說明M235x系列如何在無線音箱上實現支持Google Cast的線上撥放,我們準備了一個支援Google Cast的無線音箱跟智能手機,同時把手機上的Youtube APP打開,因為音箱內建的M235x系列IC先前已經經過線上認證可以支援Google Cast服務,當我們透過Youtube撥放音樂時,聲音就會自動傳送到無線音箱,此時,可以透過音箱上的按鍵來調整音量,也可以透過手機上的操作來調整音量,這個線上播放的過程是合法而且十分的迅速,再者,透過適當的APP,一隻手機可以支持最多16個Google Cast Wireless Speaker,不同的地點,不同的音樂。 以上, 就是今天的教學影片,非常感謝各位的觀看,歡迎訂閱我們的頻道,如果有更多的需求,請我們聯繫,謝謝大家。 #zh-Hant #Application #Seminar #General - 【2021 Roadshow專區】 精彩內容: - 更多產品資訊,請至新唐科技網站 購買管道: 聯絡我們
  • 애플리케이션  세미나  Watch time - 1:26
    大家好 我是David 今天很榮幸來跟大家介紹我們智慧家庭事業群 全新推出的 UC Speakerphone turnkey solution 我們的 UC Speakerphone turnkey solution 用的是我們自家的 Smart AMP 搭載的是 KLIPPLE 的 KCS 演算法 KLIPPLE 的 KCS 演算法是世界上第一個處理喇叭非線性保護的演算法 並且配合我們 AI 降噪讓麥克風處理的信號 因應常見的語音頻段有高失真比抑制來達到高品質的通話品質 此外我們的系統也整合了 TEAMS 認證 在未來相信有很多使用者會常常用到很多商業軟體 在高相容性的通話品質上會有很大的幫助 那我們現在來實際 DEMO 一下 現場我們放了一個餐廳的環境噪音以及我現在的講話聲 我們來看看錄下來的結果如何 .............. 看過我們剛剛的 DEMO 之後 是不是覺得這個模擬通話品質還蠻讓人驚豔的呢 以上便是我們 AUDIO 團隊辛苦整合的方案 #Seminar #Basic #zh-Hant #Application - 【2021 Roadshow專區】 精彩內容: - 更多產品資訊,請至新唐科技網站 購買管道: 聯絡我們
  • 제품  애플리케이션  공부하다  Watch time - 2:27
    本影片透過常見的藍牙牙刷做說明,輕鬆利用 NuMicro M031BT 系列使用藍牙透傳實現個人健康信息的應用。 #zh-Hant #Learning #Basic #Application #Product - 更多產品資訊,請至新唐科技網站 購買管道: 聯絡我們
  • 애플리케이션  세미나  Watch time - 1:28
    #zh-Hant #Application #Seminar #General - 【2023 Roadshow專區】 精彩內容: - 更多產品資訊,請至新唐科技網站 購買管道: 聯絡我們
  • 애플리케이션  공부하다  Watch time - 2:49
    This video will introduce the NuMicro M031BT/M032BT series of Nuvoton BLE MCUs in photographic lighting applications. Through excellent control functions, multiple I/O settings and the advantages of wireless transmission, it can help customers reduce the cost of developing photographic lighting and time to market. #Application #Learning #Intermediate #en #Bluetooth #SmartDevice #PassThrough #CentralMode #PeripheralMode #M031BT #M032BT #BLE #MCU #Nuvoton #Spotlight #NuMicro #EmbeddedWorld2022 - For more information, please visit Nuvoton Technology Website: buy now: contact us:
  • 애플리케이션  공부하다  Watch time - 3:11
    Briefly explain the basic functions and security features of Nuvoton's M235x IoT Security MCU series products, and actually demonstrate the online streaming music playback function provided by the Google Cast Wireless Speaker based on the M235x Series and the Youtube APP on the mobile phone. #en #Learning #Intermediate #application #M2351 #M2354 #GoogleCast #WirelessSpeaker #Play-Fi #EmbeddedWorld2022 - For more information, please visit Nuvoton Technology Website: buy now: contact us:
  • 제품  애플리케이션  공부하다  Watch time - 3:8
    This video uses a common Bluetooth toothbrush to explain, customer can easily use the NuMicro M031BT series via Bluetooth pass-through to realize the application of personal health information. #en #Learning #Basic #Application #Product #Bluetooth #BluetoothToothbrush #SmartAppliances #Bluetooth-pass-through #EmbeddedWorld2022 #M031BT #M0 #BLE5.0 - For more information, please visit Nuvoton Technology Website: buy now: contact us:
  • Watch time - 5:11
    Loudspeakers are highly nonlinear and time-variant systems. Signal distortion, heating, aging, climate and other external influences limit the maximum level and the quality of the reproduced sound. This video shows how Nuvoton smart amplifier can greatly improve the speaker performance and the sound quality by offering mechanical & thermal protection, automatic system alignment, active compensation of transducer nonlinearities, and active stabilization of the voice coil rest position based on the Klippel Controlled Sound (KCS) technology.
  • Watch time - 5:10
    Loudspeakers are highly nonlinear and time-variant systems. Signal distortion, heating, aging, climate and other external influences limit the maximum level and the quality of the reproduced sound. This video shows how Nuvoton smart amplifier can greatly improve the speaker performance and the sound quality by offering mechanical & thermal protection, automatic system alignment, active compensation of transducer nonlinearities, and active stabilization of the voice coil rest position based on the Klippel Controlled Sound (KCS) technology.
  • Watch time - 3:29
    本短片介紹了可符合 AMI 2.0 國際標準的智慧電錶設計。該設計即將在一大型電力公司所服務的供電區域進行大規模部署。同時也透過手機APP演示了遠程線上自動讀錶的功能。 - 更多產品資訊,請至新唐科技網站 購買管道: 聯絡我們:
  • 애플리케이션  공부하다  Watch time - 3:16
    This short video clip introduces a real smart meter design in starting volume deployment in South Korea. A real meter machine and mobile phone APP show the auto meter reading online. #Application #Learning #Basic #en - For more information, please visit Nuvoton Technology Website: buy now: contact us:
  • Watch time - 4:59
    Secure Smart Metering Communication Reference Design Hi everybody, today we are going to introduce a reference design of Smart-Metering communication card based on NuMicro M2351 Series microcontroller. You can find useful security features based on the Arm Cortex-M23 CPU core with Nuvoton’s in-house technology integration. The auto-metering is an infrastructure for automatic, remotely, wire or wireless meter data reading. It’s highly possible to be intervened if there is no security mechanism. That is a very typical IoT security issue in the IoT era. In many countries, there are a lot of Auto-Metering Infrastructure (AMI) projects being undertaken by main electricity power companies worldwide. Most projects start from upgrading the communication modem cards as the first step rather than retiring the meters. The modem card can play as a gateway to monitor the incorrect device operation and data transmission security. Issues of modem card security are covering: First, a limited performance due to crypto computation efficiency Second, speed limitation due to interface choice The third, cost burden due to extra hardware modules for different communication protocols Nuvoton’s reference design of Secure Smart Meter Communication is an end-to-end security solution for AMI. With the collaboration with SPI-Korea, the solution incorporates a lot of advantages such as TrustZone security for firmware, a range of interfaces for device communication, secure over-the-air firmware update, and remote management. With the complete hardware specification of M2351, a security software company, SPI-Korea, can easily implement their secure AMI solution for modem card which connects meters and cloud servers. M2351 also contributes the crypto acceleration during the cryptographic computing in order to save CPU time for different communication protocol modules by its powerful hardware functionalities during message transmission outside of a microcontroller unit. SPI-Korea has developed a range of Armv8-M TrustZone based technologies. Her expertise covers Boot Manager, Key Manager, and Device Manager, which is very useful for microcontroller security and certainly shows the stability of a microcontroller device. Also, they are certified by Korea Electricity Company. We hope this successful experience can be further adopted in other areas worldwide because it’s a secure, accurate and environmentally safe solution for AMI. This slide is a picture for SPI-Korea AMI modem card design. NuMicro Family microcontrollers can be utilized for designs of auto-metering infrastructure devices. We start from AMI modem card and we are confident to support meters of any next-generation of AMI. We now integrate M23-based microcontroller with M4-based or Arm9-based microcontroller as a proposal for next-generation modem card of Korea AMI and we hope to provide high-performing cost-effective solution for all AMI devices in the future. - For more information, please visit Nuvoton Technology Website: contact us: