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Watch time - 0:57
嗨我是新唐 FAE Ace 今天我要來介紹的電池管理的晶片,簡稱 BMIC 我們的 BMIC 有分成兩大類,一個是工業應用,第二個是車用 那我們這邊來介紹車用 我們的車用 BMIC 有三大訴求,一個是安全性,可擴展性以及耐久性 尤其是安全性,我們是使用車子的關係是有關於人身安全的 所以我們這部分一定有把持好 我們這邊有兩塊 BMIC 的板子 因為剛剛我的訴求有可擴展性,所以我們這邊有兩組 BMIC 的板子 可以各別控制兩組的電池串,那這塊就是 MCU MCU 接到我們電腦的人機介面去做一些控制 當然我們沒有以實際的電池去做模擬,以電阻來做個電池串的模擬狀況 然後我們可以從人機介面上,有各個電池組的電壓狀況 以上就是車用 BMIC 的介紹 - 【2021 Roadshow專區】 精彩內容: - 更多產品資訊,請至新唐科技網站 購買管道: 聯絡我們
Product  Application  Seminar  Watch time - 3:45
Introduce Nuvoton's GUI solution. Nuvoton GUI platform supports TFT-LCD with different interfaces and resolutions. The platform includes low power, high-performance MCUs (microcontroller), and MPUs (microprocessor) with built-in high-density DDR and graphics accelerator. We provide emWin, LVGL, Qt graphic libraries, and GUI tools such as AppWizard and SquareLine for you to easily create embedded system GUI. Today, we will give you a quick introduction of three of the NuMaker-HMI evaluation boards. ● NuMaker-HMI-M467 ● NuMaker-HMI-N9H30 ● NuMaker-HMI-MA35D1-S1 #en #Product #Application #General #Seminar #2023 Roadshow #Nuvoton #GUI #NuMicro #MCU #NuMaker-HMI-M467 #NuMaker-HMI-N9H30 #NuMaker-HMI-MA35D1-S1 - For more information, please visit Nuvoton Technology Website: buy now: contact us:
Product  Application  Seminar  Watch time - 3:18
AppWizard is a graphic human-machine interface design tool that supports the emWin graphics library. This tool allows GUI design and development to be completed with minimal coding using a drag-and-drop interface and settings. This demo showcases the use of the AppWizard tool with the M467 development platform to design an electric bicycle dashboard interface. Therefore, the video will be divided into two parts: the M467 development platform introduction and the key features of the AppWizard. #en #Product #Application #General #Seminar #2023 Roadshow #Nuvoton #Nuvoton #E-bike #Dashboard #emWin AppWizard #NuMicro #MCU #M467 - For more information, please visit Nuvoton Technology Website: buy now: contact us:
Training  Application  Learning  Watch time - 5:7
We implements 6 demonstrations according to the features of MA35D1: 1. Video Playback : HD video output 2. ML People Counting : Face Detection and Number Counting 3. 2D Accelerator : 2D Hardware acceleration example 4. Data Security : Improve data security with OP-TEE 5. KWS by RTP M4 : uses MA35 built-in M4 to perform keyword detection 6. VoIP : network phone example based on SIP The video will introduce the resources and operation details used in each example. #HMI #IndustrialControl #Application #Linux #MPU #MA35D1 #Training #Learning #en #NuMaker-HMI-MA35D1-S1 - For more information, please visit Nuvoton Technology Website: buy now: contact us:
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