


  • 前瞻應用  學習  影片長度 - 3:57
    首先說明加密貨幣密鑰的保管安全問題,並用比特幣舉例簡報說明加密貨幣交易過程中的重要原理與密鑰的安全保存的方法比較,並提出基於 M2354 系列的冷錢包設計方塊圖。 #M2354 #ColdWallet #HotWallet #冷錢包 #熱錢包 #ECC #ECDSA #SecureKeyStorage #zh-Hant #Learning #Intermediate #application - 更多產品資訊,請至新唐科技網站 https://bit.ly/3hVdcmC 購買管道:https://direct.nuvoton.com/tw 聯絡我們:SalesSupport@nuvoton.com
  • 前瞻應用  研討會  影片長度 - 0:57
    在這個人工智慧(AI)領域蓬勃發展的時代,開發者能夠在終端裝置上輕鬆部署Edge AI演算法,關鍵字辨識技術(Keyword Spotting)透過機器學習的方法,使得微控制器不僅能夠識別人類的語音指令,結合語音控制,就能根據這些指令執行特定的操作,從而為用戶提供一種更直觀、更便捷的互動方式。這種技術的實際應用範圍非常廣泛,從家用電器到工業控制系統,都可以通過語音控制來提高操作的便捷性和效率。特別是在需要免提操作或者提高操作安全性的場合,語音控制顯得尤為重要。隨著機器學習技術的進步和微控制器性能的提高,我們可以預見,未來將有更多的設備能夠理解和執行人類的語音指令,從而開創更加智能、更加人性化的互動方式。 新唐科技所展示的語音觸發示波器應用,將這種技術使用於Arm® Cortex®-M4 M467系列微控制器上,透過關鍵字辨識技術和語音控制的結合,使用者能夠直接通過聲音指令來操作設備,展現了關鍵字辨識技術的強大應用潛力。示波器是電子工程師經常使用的儀器,用於測量和觀察電信號的波形。新唐科技的演示中,示波器能夠響應特定的語音指令,如"Run"、"Trigger"、"Stop"、"Zoom In"和"Zoom Out"等,這些指令分別用於開始波形的顯示和放大縮小波形觀察細節。這種互動方式免除了使用者手動操作的需求,使得測量過程更加高效和直觀。 實現這一功能的關鍵在於新唐科技開發的NuEdgeWise工具。該工具為開發者提供了一個便捷的平台,用於訓練和部署機器學習模型,專門針對關鍵字辨識應用。通過這個工具,開發者可以快速訓練出適合特定應用需求的模型,並將其輕鬆載入至M467微控制器的開發板中。這一過程大大簡化了機器學習應用的開發流程,使得即使是對機器學習不太熟悉的開發者也能夠利用這項技術創建強大的語音控制應用。 此外,M467系列具有一系列優秀特性,為開發AI應用的理想選擇,能夠滿足各種需求並提供高效的性能。NuMicro® M467 Ethernet/Crypto 系列微控制器則是基於 Arm Cortex-M4F 核心的 32 位元微控制器,工作頻率高達200 MHz,同時內建DSP指令集和單精度浮點運算單元(FPU),結合寬工作電壓範圍以及溫度範圍,並且具有出色的高抗干擾特性,包括ESD HBM 2 kV和EFT 4.4 kV,能夠應用於物聯網網關、工業控制、電信、資料中心等各類產品應用。內建高達1024 KB的雙區塊可編程記憶體用於程式儲存,512 KB的SRAM供代碼運行使用,並支持FOTA (Firmware Over-The-Air) 無線線上更新。另外,M467系列還提供了豐富的周邊,如Ethernet 10/100 MAC、硬體加解密引擎、USB OTG、PWM輸出等。 歡迎系統開發廠商利用新唐AI網頁www.nuvoton.com/ai「聯絡我們」表單,與新唐團隊聯繫,一同探索終端AI新價值。 #zh-Hant #Application #Seminar #General #M467 #TinyML #Keyword Spotting #Nuvoton - 【2023 Roadshow專區】 精彩內容:https://www.nuvoton.com/roadshow2023 - 更多產品資訊,請至新唐科技網站 https://bit.ly/3hVdcmC 購買管道:https://direct.nuvoton.com/tw 聯絡我們:SalesSupport@nuvoton.com
  • 創新產品  網路研討會  影片長度 - 53:45
    基於 Cortex-M4 的 NuMicro M460 系列微控制器,運行速度可達 200 MHz,支援安全啟動、密鑰儲存 (Key Store)、HyperBus、相機接口、Fractional Audio PLL。適用於 TinyML、工控、消費性產品、輕量級物聯網網關。 【講師】 微控制器產品經理:Roger 微控制器產品經理:Chris 時間:2022/09/14 #CortexM4 #M460 #Webinar #zh-Hant #KeyStore #Hyperbus #TinyML #IoT #Gateway #IndustrialControl #General #Product - 更多產品資訊,請至新唐科技網站 https://bit.ly/3hVdcmC 購買管道:https://direct.nuvoton.com/tw 聯絡我們:SalesSupport@nuvoton.com
  • 創新產品  前瞻應用  研討會  網路研討會  影片長度 - 1:4:26
    新唐科技於 2022 MCU/MPU 新世代產品線上發表會強勢發佈全新微控制器與微處理器系列,基於 Arm® Cortex®-A35、Cortex®-M4、Cortex®-M23 核心,針對不同產業需求與應用場景,提供全面性的 IC 生態系。 基於雙核 64 位 Cortex-A35 高效能核心與單核 Cortex-M4 即時核心的 NuMicro® MA35D1 系列微處理器,Cortex-A35 內核運行速度可達 1 GHz。MA35D1 高效能異核同構微處理器,強調其先進安全特點、硬體圖像加速器、高速連接介面、豐富的外設接口。適用於 Edge Gateway、機器學習、人機介面、工業控制、新能源多種應用場景。 基於 Cortex-M4 的 NuMicro® M460 系列微控制器,運行速度可達 200 MHz,支援安全啟動、密鑰儲存 (Key Store)、HyperBus、相機接口、Fractional Audio PLL。適用於輕量級物聯網網關。 基於 Cortex-M23 的 NuMicro® M254/M256/M258 系列微控制器,內建 LCD 驅動、電容式觸控以及 USB2.0 全速設備,運行速度可達 48 MHz,可運作於 1.75V 至 5.5V 寬工作電壓和 -40℃ 至 105℃ 的工業溫度,更支援 EFT 4.4 kV 與 ESD HBM 7 kV 高抗干擾。適用於各種手持式裝置。 時間:2022/8/17 14:00 00:00:00 intro 00:00:36 NuMicro® MCU/MPU Platforms 00:07:18 NuMicro® M254/M256/M258 Series 00:23:40 NuMicro® M460 High Performance Series 00:44:36 NuMicro® MA35D1 Series #CortexA35 #CortexM4 #CortexM23 #MCU #MPU #MA35D1 #M460 #M258 #LCD #Touchkey #USB #TinyML #IoT #IoTSecurity #HMI #Gateway #EdgeGateway #HyperBus #CANFD #IndustrialControl #MachhineLearning #NewEnergy #Webinar #zh-Hant #product #application #seminar #zh-Hant #General - 更多產品資訊,請至新唐科技網站 https://bit.ly/3hVdcmC 購買管道:https://direct.nuvoton.com/tw 聯絡我們:SalesSupport@nuvoton.com
  • 前瞻應用  研討會  影片長度 - 1:39
    #zh-Hant #Application #Seminar #General - 【2022 Roadshow專區】 精彩內容:https://www.nuvoton.com/roadshow2022 - 更多產品資訊,請至新唐科技網站 https://bit.ly/3hVdcmC 購買管道:https://direct.nuvoton.com/tw 聯絡我們:SalesSupport@nuvoton.com
  • 創新產品  學習  影片長度 - 2:43
    Hello! Everyone! I am Nuvoton FAE Tim. Today, I will show you ML56 Capacitive Touch Key Technology. First introduce the Capacitive Touch Key Fundamentals. The capacitance of the sensor without a finger touch is called as “parasitic capacitance”, CP. Parasitic capacitance results from the electric field between the sensor (including the sensor pad and traces) and other conductors in the system such as the ground planes, traces, any metal in the product’s chassis or enclosure, etc. The capacitance between the sensor pad and the finger is CF. The total capacitance CT of the sensor is the sum of CP and CF. Next, we will explain the ML56 Capacitive Touch Key Sensing Method. ML56 implements two switching capacitor banks for injecting charges to CP (or CT) and CR. CR is the parasitic capacitance of reference channel. After touch key calibration, CP and CR are balanced with CB and CCB (comparator output is “low”). Touch the sensing touch key which makes CT = CP + CF Now the negative input terminal voltage of the comparator is lower than positive side and comparator output is “high”. ML56 touch key controller will increase CCB to CCB’ to balance CT and CR again (comparator output is “low”). A finger touch can be detected by checking the difference of CCB and CCB’. By comparing the CCB’ shift level from CCB, the steady state to a predetermined threshold, the algorithm can determine whether the touch key is in ON (Touch) or OFF (No Touch) state. That's all for today's video, thank you everyone! If you have any questions, please contact us. - For more information, please visit Nuvoton Technology Website: https://bit.ly/3hVdcmC Buy now: https://direct.nuvoton.com/tw/low-power-8051-series/ Contact us: SalesSupport@nuvoton.comon.com #Product #Learning #Basic #en
  • 創新產品  學習  影片長度 - 5:0
    Introduce the waterproof and noise immunity of ML56 touch key. Hello! Everyone! I am Nuvoton FAE Tim. Today, I will show you the waterproof and noise immunity of ML56 touch key. First introduce the waterproof and noise immunity of ML56 touch key. Good waterproof function, support finger touch with 2 mm depth water droplet. IEC 61000-4-6 conducted noise immunity (CNI) with 10 Vrms noise voltage. Next, we will explain the related parameter settings of the ML56 touch key, and first explain the touch sensitivity. #Pulse Width (Touch key sensing pulse width time control) Touch key sensitivity can be adjusted by setting Pulse Width properly, shorter Pulse Width setting comes with poor sensitivity and less power-consumption, vice versa. Then explain the stability of touch performance, Part 1. #Times (Touch key sensing times control) Touch key raw data stability can be adjusted by setting Times properly, shorter Times setting comes with poor raw data stability and less power-consumption, vice versa. Stability of touch performance, Part 2. #IIR (IIR filter) IIR filter can control the ratio of current raw data and previous one. User can enable IIR Filter to be against noise. It will increase the touch response time when enables IIR Filter. Stability of touch performance, Part 3. #Debounce (Touch key debounce) Touch key stability can be adjusted by setting Debounce properly, the debounce times for touch key entry (on) and release (off) detection, shorter Debounce setting comes with faster touch response time, vice versa. Stability of touch performance, Part 4. #Trace Baseline (Baseline is generated by “Calibration”) Touch key auto environment compensation is an algorithm that baseline tracking each touch key automatically at power-up and keeps compensating environment variation affects touch key performance during runtime. Based on the above parameter description, the following introduces the waterproof and noise immunity parameter settings. The first is waterproof parameter setting. Good waterproof function, support finger touch with 2 mm depth water droplet. Touch key system parameters are shown in the table Pulse Width = 500 ns Times = 128 Next is the noise immunity parameter setting IEC 61000-4-6 conducted noise immunity (CNI) with 10 Vrms noise voltage. Touch key system parameters are shown in the table. Pulse Width = 2 us Times = 128 IIR New = 6, Old = 2 Debounce Entry = 1, Release = 1 Then we use the ML56 NuMaker Board to show you the waterproof function of the touch key. Dip the finger in water first, and then touch the touch key. Repeat the above actions, we can see that the touch key still works normally and is not affected. Finally, we use the ML56 NuMaker Board to show you the noise immunity ability of the touch key. Turn on the walkie-talkie first, and then interfere with the touch key at close range, we can see that the touch key still operate normally and is not affected. That's all for today's video, thank you everyone! If you have any questions, please contact us. - For more information, please visit Nuvoton Technology Website: https://bit.ly/3hVdcmC Buy now: https://direct.nuvoton.com/tw/low-power-8051-series/ Contact us: SalesSupport@nuvoton.comon.com #Product #Learning #Basic #en
  • 創新產品  學習  影片長度 - 3:12
    Hello! Everyone! I am Nuvoton FAE Tim. Today, I will show you ML56 Capacitive Touch Key PCB Design. First introduce the Touch Sensor Channel Selection. Touch Sensor Channels. ML56 series supports up to 14 touch sensor channels. #Reference Sensor It is recommended to select one reference sensor at touch sensor channel TK7 or TK14. Maximize the distance between the reference sensor and other signals to minimize crosstalk. #Shield Electrodes Put the shield electrode around the touch sensor to get better signal quality and waterproof capability. Recommended to select shield channel at touch TK0, TK4 or clock out pins (P3.2 / P4.6 / P5.7). Next, we will explain the PCB Layout Rules. #Touch Key Shapes Recommended to have a 10 x 10 mm sensor area for good touch key sensitivity. Larger touch sensor electrode work better for thicker cover. #Reference Sensor Recommended to assign the reference key at touch channel TK7 or TK14. Maximize the distance to other signals to minimize crosstalk. Round shape electrode with 1 mm diameter size is enough for normal case. #Ground Plane It is recommended that the traces of the touch key have a good hatched ground plane surround. It is recommended to have hatched ground plane under the touch keys. Hatched ground plane with 6 mil trace and 50 mil grid. #Shield Electrode Put touch keys with shield electrode around which provides the same phase signal around touch keys. Hatched shield electrode with 6 mil trace and 50 mil grid. Shield electrode area needs to keep filled around the touch key in greater than 10 mm width. Finally, explain the Touch Key Cover Thickness. As the cover thickness increases, the touch key sensitivities will decrease. Larger touch key size work better for thicker cover. Recommended touch key diameter size with difference acrylic cover thickness as shown in the table. That's all for today's video, thank you everyone! If you have any questions, please contact us. - For more information, please visit Nuvoton Technology Website: https://bit.ly/3hVdcmC Buy now: https://direct.nuvoton.com/tw/low-power-8051-series/ Contact us: SalesSupport@nuvoton.comon.com #Product #Learning #Basic #en
  • 創新產品  學習  影片長度 - 6:27
    Nuvoton provides a development tool for capacitive Touch Sensors. The best feature of the calibration tool is that it uses the GUI to configure and tune your design automatically. Besides, the tool can export the configuration parameters and import them to another. Not only can greatly shorten the development time of developers, but also shorten the time for mass production. This video will introduce how to use this development tool and the definition of parameter. - For more information, please visit Nuvoton Technology Website: https://bit.ly/3hVdcmC Buy now: https://direct.nuvoton.com/tw/low-power-8051-series/ Contact us: SalesSupport@nuvoton.comon.com #Product #Learning #Basic #en
  • 創新產品  學習  影片長度 - 9:3
    Nuvoton announced the latest ML51/ML54/ML56 microcontroller, built-in capacitive touch sensing, LCD driver highly integrated low power platform. Based on 1T 8051 core, running up to 24MHz, the power consumption in normal run mode is 80uA/MHz, lower than 1uA in power down mode the power consumption while power down with LCD on is lower than 20uA. 0:00 intro 0:37 NuMicro 8051 Microcontroller 1:38 ML51/ML54/ML56 Product Portfolio 2:18 ML51/ML54/ML56 Features 3:27 Broad Scalability 4:05 Provide 4 Different Power Modes 4:44 LCD Driver Feature 5:52 Touch Key Features 7:05 Target Applications #Product #Learning #Basic #en #ML51 #ML54 #ML56 #8051 #LowPower #LCD-Driver #HumanMachineInterface #HMI #TouchKey-IC #HomeAppliance #EmbeddedWorld2022 - For more information, please visit Nuvoton Technology Website: https://bit.ly/3hVdcmC Buy now: https://direct.nuvoton.com/tw/low-power-8051-series/ Contact us: SalesSupport@nuvoton.com
  • 創新產品  學習  影片長度 - 7:17
    .Why FIDO Authentication .Security Device for Personal Identity .USB Dongles Usage .M2351 USB FIDO Key SDK .Support Capacitive Fingerprint Sensors .M2351 USB FIDO Key with TrustZone .Values Brought by M2351 .Collaborative Software Development .An Open Platform with Content Protection .Leading Market Position for Software Protection For more information, please visit Nuvoton Technology Website: https://bit.ly/3hVdcmC #Product #Learning #Basic #en 0:00 簡介 0:28 Why FIDO Authentication 1:19 Security Device for Personal Identity 2:01 USB Dongles Usage 2:29 M2351 USB FIDO Key SDK 3:36 M2351 USB FIDO Key with TrustZone 4:07 Values Brought by M2351 4:55 Collaborative Software Development (2) 6:10 An Open Platform with Content Protection
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