Seven Tips for Debugging like a PRO: (3) Use System Viewer to Check Register Status

  • Scenario

The peripheral does not work as I expected, how to monitor the register?

I want to change the setting of the register, do I need to reprogram and rebuild code?

  • Debug Tips

System Viewer is a helpful Tool to check register status in KEIL debug mode

  • Monitors register value in real-time (frame highlighted in green when value changed)
  • Changes register value and become effective immediately

system viewer 1

system viewer 2

system viewer 3

1.“Alt + F7” open “Options for Target”, and select “Target” dialog.

2.Check if the default SFR file is for the target chip.
SFR file can be selectable by enabling “Use Custom File”

check SFR file

3.Enter debug mode and select the peripheral from the toolbar
(Peripherals, Icon or View)




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