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제품  도구  애플리케이션  공부하다  Watch time - 2:51
Allow users to quickly understand the key features and application supports of the NuMaker-IIoT-NUC980G2D/G1D evaluation board. 【More details】 - NuMaker-IIoT-NUC980G1D: - NuMaker-IIoT-NUC980G2D: #Nuvoton #NuMicro #Microcontroller #MCU #en #NUC980 #MPU #ARM9 #Microprocessor #IIOT #NewEnergy #Gateway #NewEnergyGateway #EVChargingStations #EnergyManagementSystem #Basic #General #Product #Application #Tool #Learning - For more information, please visit Nuvoton Technology Website: buy now: contact us:
제품  도구  애플리케이션  공부하다  Watch time - 2:20
Allow users to quickly understand the key features and application supports of the NuMaker-IIoT-NUC980G2/G1 evaluation board. 【More details】 - NuMaker-IIoT-NUC980G1: - NuMaker-IIoT-NUC980G2: #Nuvoton #NuMicro #Microcontroller #MCU #en #NUC980 #MPU #ARM9 #Microprocessor #IIOT #NewEnergy #Gateway #NewEnergyGateway #EVChargingStations #EnergyManagementSystem #Basic #General #Product #Application #Tool #Learning - For more information, please visit Nuvoton Technology Website: buy now: contact us:
제품  애플리케이션  도구  웨비나  Watch time - 6:50
Bring Artificial Intelligence to Endpoints At this exciting moment, Nuvoton proudly presents our visionary 2024 Endpoint AI Platform, showcasing our latest microcontrollers and microprocessors. These innovative products, based on the Arm® Cortex®-M55, Cortex®-A35, and Cortex®-M4 cores, are designed to offer suitable Machine Learning ecosystems for various industries and application scenarios. Firstly, we will introduce features and specialties of Endpoint AI, demonstrating how this technology shines in edge computing. Next, we'll dive into our platform's core features, revealing the diversity and significance of our hardware in the industry. Following that, we introduce our much-anticipated new M55M1, equipped with the M55 core and Ethos-U55 AI accelerator. This new MCU, crafted specifically for machine learning, will display its performance and capabilities. In addition, we will introduce the NuEdgeWise tool, a powerful resource designed to assist users in training models, simplifying the development process of machine learning. Finally, do not miss our machine learning application design, which will provide inspiration and references for users, aiding them in realizing innovations in their respective fields. We sincerely invite industry professionals to join our webinar, interact with the Nuvoton experts, and explore the future application prospects of these latest products. #Nuvoton #NuMicro #EndpointAI #EdgeComputing #CortexM55 #CortexM4 #CortexA35 #M55M1 #MA35D1 #M467 #MCU #MPU #Microcontroller #EthosU55 #NuEdgeWise #Advance #Product #Application #Tool #Webinar #en - For more information, please visit Nuvoton Technology Website: buy now: contact us:
제품  애플리케이션  도구  웨비나  Watch time - 10:30
Bring Artificial Intelligence to Endpoints At this exciting moment, Nuvoton proudly presents our visionary 2024 Endpoint AI Platform, showcasing our latest microcontrollers and microprocessors. These innovative products, based on the Arm® Cortex®-M55, Cortex®-A35, and Cortex®-M4 cores, are designed to offer suitable Machine Learning ecosystems for various industries and application scenarios. Firstly, we will introduce features and specialties of Endpoint AI, demonstrating how this technology shines in edge computing. Next, we'll dive into our platform's core features, revealing the diversity and significance of our hardware in the industry. Following that, we introduce our much-anticipated new M55M1, equipped with the M55 core and Ethos-U55 AI accelerator. This new MCU, crafted specifically for machine learning, will display its performance and capabilities. In addition, we will introduce the NuEdgeWise tool, a powerful resource designed to assist users in training models, simplifying the development process of machine learning. Finally, do not miss our machine learning application design, which will provide inspiration and references for users, aiding them in realizing innovations in their respective fields. We sincerely invite industry professionals to join our webinar, interact with the Nuvoton experts, and explore the future application prospects of these latest products. #Nuvoton #NuMicro #EndpointAI #EdgeComputing #CortexM55 #CortexM4 #CortexA35 #M55M1 #MA35D1 #M467 #MCU #MPU #Microcontroller #EthosU55 #NuEdgeWise #Advance #Product #Application #Tool #Webinar #en - For more information, please visit Nuvoton Technology Website: buy now: contact us:
제품  도구  애플리케이션  공부하다  Watch time - 1:44
讓使用者快速了解 NuMaker-IIoT-NUC980G2/G1 開發板的關鍵特性與應用支援。 【更多開發板資訊】 - NuMaker-IIoT-NUC980G1: - NuMaker-IIoT-NUC980G2: #NUC980 #MPU #ARM9 #Microprocessor #IIOT #NewEnergy #Gateway #NewEnergyGateway #EVChargingStations #EnergyManagementSystem #Basic #General #Product #Application #Tool #Learning #zh-Hant - 更多產品資訊,請至新唐科技網站 購買管道: 聯絡我們
훈련  공부하다  Watch time - 11:47
This video will guide users to quickly start developing Nuvoton N9H30 series microcontroller in a non-OS environment, and will demonstrate a GUI design by SEGGER emWin AppWizard tool. This video also shows how to enter the debug mode with J-Link and deploy the AppWizard project to the NuMaker-HMI-N9H30 evaluation board by NuWriter. #emWinAppWizard #MPU #N9H #N9H30 #NonOS #HMI #GUIdesign #QuickStart #NuWriter #JLink #Debug #Basic #Training #Learning #en - For more information, please visit Nuvoton Technology Website: buy now: contact us:
훈련  공부하다  Watch time - 11:1
本影片將引導使用者快速建立 N9H30 non-OS 開發環境,並使用 SEGGER emWin AppWizard 工具進行 GUI 設計。同時也會介紹如何使用 J-Link 進入 Debug mode,且透過 NuWriter 將 AppWizard 專案部署到 NuMaker-HMI-N9H30 開發板執行。 #emWinAppWizard #MPU #N9H #N9H30 #Non-OS #HMI #GUIdesign #QuickStart #NuWriter #J-Link #Debug #Basic #Training #Learning #zh-Hant - 更多產品資訊,請至新唐科技網站 購買管道: 聯絡我們
제품  기타  Watch time - 5:24
新唐科技成立的宗旨是為半導體產業帶來創新的解決方案。公司成立於 2008 年,同年 7 月受讓分割華邦電子邏輯 IC 事業單位正式展開營運,並於 2010 年在台灣證券交易所正式上市掛牌。新唐科技專注於開發微控制/微處理、智慧家居、雲端安全、電池監控、影像感測、IoT 應用、半導體元件等 IC 產品,相關產品在工業用、車用、通訊用、消費電子及電腦市場皆具領先地位;此外,新唐科技擁有的 6 吋晶圓製造廠,具備多樣性製程技術能力,提供專業化晶圓代工服務。本公司以靈活之技術、先進之設計能力及數位類比整合技術能力提供客戶高性價比之產品,並重視與客戶及合作夥伴的長期關係,致力於產品、製程及服務的不斷創新。新唐科技在美國、中國大陸、以色列、印度、新加坡、韓國及日本等地均設有據點,以強化地區性客戶支援服務與全球運籌管理。如需進一步瞭解新唐科技,請參訪公司網站 #Nuvoton #Computer #Consumer #Automotive #Industrial #Communication #IoT #Microcontroller #MCU #microprocessor #MPU #DigitalPowerControl #AudioMCU #SpeechController #AudioAmplifier #AudioCodec #BaseboardManagementController #EmbeddedController #CSPMOSFET #3DToFSensor #RFGaNPowerAmplifier #HMIDisplayLSIs #BMIC #ReTimerIC #MotorDriverIC #General #Product #Others #zh-Hant - 更多產品資訊,請至新唐科技網站 購買管道: 聯絡我們
제품  공부하다  Watch time - 5:19
NuMicro MA35H0 series is a high-performance microprocessor targeting industrial HMI applications. It is based on dual 64/32-bit Arm Cortex-A35 cores, the high-performance cores which run up to 650 MHz. This video introduces the key features of MA35H0. More info: #Nuvoton #NuMicro #Microcontroller #MCU #en #General #Product #Learning #MA35H0 - For more information, please visit Nuvoton Technology Website: buy now: contact us:
제품  도구  공부하다  Watch time - 7:51
影片中介紹新唐科技 MPU N9H30 Linux 與 Non-OS 開發環境建置,以 NuMaker-emWin-RDK-N9H30 為範例,由開發板介紹開始,到BSP與相關軟體下載。 - 新唐科技提供 emWin 開發平台其採用新唐的 N9H30 微處理器系列,此為一套完整的人機顯示介面解決平台,支援最高解析度為 1024 x 768 像素顯示器,因 N9H30 系列採用 ARM926EJ-S 為內核,運行速度達 300 MHz,最高可驅動彩色 1024 x 768 像素並行端口(Parallel Port),內建 TFT LCD 控制器與 2D 圖形加速器,該系列內建最高達 64 MB DDRII SDRAM 記憶體,讓開發者在使用 emWin 軟體時,具備設計彈性。 以下將帶給各位如何將 Linux OS 與 Non-OS code 燒錄至開發板,以 NuMaker-emWin-RDK-N9H30 做示範,這部影片中所有指令與網址都會放在下方影片內容給大家參考,User Manual 相關文件都放在新唐官方網站 我們先示範將 Linux OS 建置到 N9H30 開發板,到新唐的 Github 網站 OpenNuvoton 找尋我們所使用的開發板 N9H30 並下載新唐提供的 VMware 映像 VMware 主程式則需要到該公司的官方網站下載: 首先我們開啟 VMware 主程式,找尋我們剛剛下載的 ubuntu_NUC970_980_Linux 資料夾,點選 Ubuntu 64-bit_nuvoton.vmx,點選 Play virtual machine,密碼請輸入 user,第一次打開會需要一點時間,開機完成後打開 Terminal,再來進入 NUC970_Buildroot-master 資料夾 進入資料夾後,我們先更新 Buildroot 工具,輸入以下指令: git reset --hard git pull 更新完成後,進入 dl 資料夾,先將既有的 Linux kernel 與 u-boot 刪除,輸入以下指令: sudo rm -rf linux-master.tar.gz uboot-master.tar.gz 輸入完後,輸入密碼 user 輸入完成後,離開 dl 資料夾,進入 buildroot 資料夾,下 make clean 以上動作只需要在更新時使用,接下來我們要設定開發板的編譯設定,先進入 configs 資料夾找尋開發板名稱,找到名稱後回到 buildroot,輸入 make nuvoton_n9h30_emwin_defconfig 產生 configuration file,設定完成後輸入 make 開始編譯,編譯時間大約為三小時。 編譯完成後,執行以下步驟 1.修改nuc970_evb.h,47~50行 ~$gedit /output/build/uboot-master/include/configs/nuc970_evb.h #define CONFIG_SYS_USE_SPIFLASH /* #define CONFIG_ENV_IS_IN_NAND */ #define CONFIG_ENV_IS_IN_SPI_FLASH 2. 修改uboot configuration ~/output/build/uboot-master$ make menuconfig -> Device Drivers -> SPI Support [*] NUC970/N9H30 SPI driver Select NUC970/N9H30 SPI in Quad mode or Normal mode (Quad mode) ---> -> SPI Flash Support [*] Legacy SPI Flash Interface support [*] SPI flash Bank/Extended address register support [*] Winbond SPI flash support -> Command line interface -> Device access commands [*] sf 3.重新編譯,並重新燒錄 u-boot.bin ~/Buildroot$ make uboot-rebuild 編譯完成後,請將以下兩個檔案複製至 windows 下 /NUC970_Buildroot-master/output/images/uImage /NUC970_Buildroot-master/output/build/uboot-master/u-boot.bin 並且建立記事本 env-nor.txt,內容如下 baudrate=115200 bootdelay=1 stderr=serial stdin=serial stdout=serial setspi=sf probe 0 50000000 loadkernel=sf read 0x7fc0 0x200000 0x600000 bootcmd=run setspi;run loadkernel;bootm 0x7fc0 bootargs=noinitrd root=/dev/mtdblock2 rw rootfstype=jffs2 console=ttyS0 rdinit=/sbin/init mem=32M mtdparts=m25p80:0x200000@0x0(u-boot),0x600000@0x200000(kernel),-(user) ignore_loglevel 再來我們則需要安裝 NuWriter 所需要的相關檔案,NuWriter 是新唐提供的燒錄工具,提供在 PC上使用的軟體及其原始碼,使用者可以依照需求自行開發功能 下載完成後,打開 NUC970_NuWriter-master,到 Driver 資料夾安裝 WinUSB4NuVCOM.exe,安裝完後,到 NuWriter 資料夾底下的 Release 執行 NuWriter,依據自身開發板,選擇晶片編號,我們要把 Image 燒錄到 SPI Flash, 因此選擇 SPI 這邊需要將開發板的 Power-On Setting 全都撥到 ON 的位置 ,並且按壓一次 Reset 鍵,回到 NuWriter 確認綠燈連結至開發板,如果沒有,請點選 Re-Connect 重新連結,確認完後開始燒錄Image: u-boot.bin 燒錄至 0xe00000 env-nor.txt 燒錄至 0x80000 uImage 燒錄至 0x200000 等燒入完成後將開發板上的 Power Setting 都撥到 OFF 的位置,按壓一次 Reset 鍵,即可開始從SPI-NOR 開機,開機完成後,我們先到 /etc/init.d 底下找尋範例程式 rcS,輸入 chmod 777 rcS 調整權限後,即可在開發板螢幕上看到相關應用,編譯與燒錄程式就到這邊告一段落。 接下來為大家帶來 Non-OS code 編譯與燒錄,請大家先到以下網址下載 MDK-Arm 後續再下載新唐提供的 Non-OS BSP 包 BSP 包裡面含有 Keil 詳細的開發環境設定手冊可以參閱,使用 Keil 則需要購買相關的 license,下載安裝完成後,打開 Keil uVision,點選左上角 File,選擇 Open,到剛剛下載的 BSP 包裡面, 依序選擇 BSP、SampleCode、emWin_SimpleDemo、KEIL、emWin_SimpleDemo.uvproj 再來我們點選 Option for Target,點選 Device,選擇 NuMicro ARM9 Database、N9H_series 完成後點選 Rebuild,編譯完成後即會產出 sample code的binary 檔案。 編譯完成後,打開 NuWriter,重新連接開發板,連接完成後,選擇 SPI,依循以下路徑找尋我們剛剛編譯的程式 \N9H30_emWin_Non-OS_BSP_v1.04.000\N9H30_emWin_Non-OS_BSP_v1.04.000\BSP\SampleCode\emWin_SimpleDemo\KEIL\obj\emWin_SimpleDemo_FW070TFT_24BPP.bin 選擇完後,依照畫面設定,並燒錄至 0x0 的位置,燒錄完成後,將 Power-On Setting 改為 SPI 開機,即可在開發板上看到範例程式。 以上是這次的教學影片,後續我們還會為遠端監控功能和一些新的設計做更多介紹,感謝您的收看,歡迎訂閱我們的頻道,如果您想知道更多資訊歡迎聯絡我們! #Basic #Product #Tool #Learning #zh-Hant - 更多產品資訊,請至新唐科技網站 購買管道: 聯絡我們:
제품  애플리케이션  공부하다  Watch time - 5:35
影片中講解如何透過 NuMaker-emWin-N9H30 開發平台,搭配新唐 emWin 繪圖函式庫實作智慧家電 HMI。 此為第一部:製作說明。 #zh-Hant #Learning #Basic #Application #Product - 更多產品資訊,請至新唐科技網站 購買管道: 聯絡我們:
제품  애플리케이션  공부하다  Watch time - 20:9
影片中講解如何透過 NuMaker-emWin-N9H30 開發平台,搭配新唐 emWin 繪圖程序庫實作智慧家電 HMI。 此為第二部:HMI 實作。 #zh-Hant #Learning #Basic #Application #Product - 更多產品資訊,請至新唐科技網站 購買管道: 聯絡我們:
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