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創新產品  前瞻應用  工具  網路研討會  影片長度 - 6:50
Bring Artificial Intelligence to Endpoints At this exciting moment, Nuvoton proudly presents our visionary 2024 Endpoint AI Platform, showcasing our latest microcontrollers and microprocessors. These innovative products, based on the Arm® Cortex®-M55, Cortex®-A35, and Cortex®-M4 cores, are designed to offer suitable Machine Learning ecosystems for various industries and application scenarios. Firstly, we will introduce features and specialties of Endpoint AI, demonstrating how this technology shines in edge computing. Next, we'll dive into our platform's core features, revealing the diversity and significance of our hardware in the industry. Following that, we introduce our much-anticipated new M55M1, equipped with the M55 core and Ethos-U55 AI accelerator. This new MCU, crafted specifically for machine learning, will display its performance and capabilities. In addition, we will introduce the NuEdgeWise tool, a powerful resource designed to assist users in training models, simplifying the development process of machine learning. Finally, do not miss our machine learning application design, which will provide inspiration and references for users, aiding them in realizing innovations in their respective fields. We sincerely invite industry professionals to join our webinar, interact with the Nuvoton experts, and explore the future application prospects of these latest products. #Nuvoton #NuMicro #EndpointAI #EdgeComputing #CortexM55 #CortexM4 #CortexA35 #M55M1 #MA35D1 #M467 #MCU #MPU #Microcontroller #EthosU55 #NuEdgeWise #Advance #Product #Application #Tool #Webinar #en - For more information, please visit Nuvoton Technology Website: https://bit.ly/3hVdcmC buy now: https://direct.nuvoton.com/ contact us: SalesSupport@nuvoton.com
創新產品  前瞻應用  工具  網路研討會  影片長度 - 6:53
Bring Artificial Intelligence to Endpoints At this exciting moment, Nuvoton proudly presents our visionary 2024 Endpoint AI Platform, showcasing our latest microcontrollers and microprocessors. These innovative products, based on the Arm® Cortex®-M55, Cortex®-A35, and Cortex®-M4 cores, are designed to offer suitable Machine Learning ecosystems for various industries and application scenarios. Firstly, we will introduce features and specialties of Endpoint AI, demonstrating how this technology shines in edge computing. Next, we'll dive into our platform's core features, revealing the diversity and significance of our hardware in the industry. Following that, we introduce our much-anticipated new M55M1, equipped with the M55 core and Ethos-U55 AI accelerator. This new MCU, crafted specifically for machine learning, will display its performance and capabilities. In addition, we will introduce the NuEdgeWise tool, a powerful resource designed to assist users in training models, simplifying the development process of machine learning. Finally, do not miss our machine learning application design, which will provide inspiration and references for users, aiding them in realizing innovations in their respective fields. We sincerely invite industry professionals to join our webinar, interact with the Nuvoton experts, and explore the future application prospects of these latest products. #Nuvoton #NuMicro #EndpointAI #EdgeComputing #CortexM55 #CortexM4 #CortexA35 #M55M1 #MA35D1 #M467 #MCU #MPU #Microcontroller #EthosU55 #NuEdgeWise #Advance #Product #Application #Tool #Webinar #en - For more information, please visit Nuvoton Technology Website: https://bit.ly/3hVdcmC buy now: https://direct.nuvoton.com/ contact us: SalesSupport@nuvoton.com
創新產品  前瞻應用  工具  網路研討會  影片長度 - 3:35
Bring Artificial Intelligence to Endpoints At this exciting moment, Nuvoton proudly presents our visionary 2024 Endpoint AI Platform, showcasing our latest microcontrollers and microprocessors. These innovative products, based on the Arm® Cortex®-M55, Cortex®-A35, and Cortex®-M4 cores, are designed to offer suitable Machine Learning ecosystems for various industries and application scenarios. Firstly, we will introduce features and specialties of Endpoint AI, demonstrating how this technology shines in edge computing. Next, we'll dive into our platform's core features, revealing the diversity and significance of our hardware in the industry. Following that, we introduce our much-anticipated new M55M1, equipped with the M55 core and Ethos-U55 AI accelerator. This new MCU, crafted specifically for machine learning, will display its performance and capabilities. In addition, we will introduce the NuEdgeWise tool, a powerful resource designed to assist users in training models, simplifying the development process of machine learning. Finally, do not miss our machine learning application design, which will provide inspiration and references for users, aiding them in realizing innovations in their respective fields. We sincerely invite industry professionals to join our webinar, interact with the Nuvoton experts, and explore the future application prospects of these latest products. #Nuvoton #NuMicro #EndpointAI #EdgeComputing #CortexM55 #CortexM4 #CortexA35 #M55M1 #MA35D1 #M467 #MCU #MPU #Microcontroller #EthosU55 #NuEdgeWise #Advance #Product #Application #Tool #Webinar #en - For more information, please visit Nuvoton Technology Website: https://bit.ly/3hVdcmC buy now: https://direct.nuvoton.com/ contact us: SalesSupport@nuvoton.com
創新產品  前瞻應用  工具  網路研討會  影片長度 - 4:31
Bring Artificial Intelligence to Endpoints At this exciting moment, Nuvoton proudly presents our visionary 2024 Endpoint AI Platform, showcasing our latest microcontrollers and microprocessors. These innovative products, based on the Arm® Cortex®-M55, Cortex®-A35, and Cortex®-M4 cores, are designed to offer suitable Machine Learning ecosystems for various industries and application scenarios. Firstly, we will introduce features and specialties of Endpoint AI, demonstrating how this technology shines in edge computing. Next, we'll dive into our platform's core features, revealing the diversity and significance of our hardware in the industry. Following that, we introduce our much-anticipated new M55M1, equipped with the M55 core and Ethos-U55 AI accelerator. This new MCU, crafted specifically for machine learning, will display its performance and capabilities. In addition, we will introduce the NuEdgeWise tool, a powerful resource designed to assist users in training models, simplifying the development process of machine learning. Finally, do not miss our machine learning application design, which will provide inspiration and references for users, aiding them in realizing innovations in their respective fields. We sincerely invite industry professionals to join our webinar, interact with the Nuvoton experts, and explore the future application prospects of these latest products. #Nuvoton #NuMicro #EndpointAI #EdgeComputing #CortexM55 #CortexM4 #CortexA35 #M55M1 #MA35D1 #M467 #MCU #MPU #Microcontroller #EthosU55 #NuEdgeWise #Advance #Product #Application #Tool #Webinar #en - For more information, please visit Nuvoton Technology Website: https://bit.ly/3hVdcmC buy now: https://direct.nuvoton.com/ contact us: SalesSupport@nuvoton.com
創新產品  前瞻應用  工具  網路研討會  影片長度 - 10:30
Bring Artificial Intelligence to Endpoints At this exciting moment, Nuvoton proudly presents our visionary 2024 Endpoint AI Platform, showcasing our latest microcontrollers and microprocessors. These innovative products, based on the Arm® Cortex®-M55, Cortex®-A35, and Cortex®-M4 cores, are designed to offer suitable Machine Learning ecosystems for various industries and application scenarios. Firstly, we will introduce features and specialties of Endpoint AI, demonstrating how this technology shines in edge computing. Next, we'll dive into our platform's core features, revealing the diversity and significance of our hardware in the industry. Following that, we introduce our much-anticipated new M55M1, equipped with the M55 core and Ethos-U55 AI accelerator. This new MCU, crafted specifically for machine learning, will display its performance and capabilities. In addition, we will introduce the NuEdgeWise tool, a powerful resource designed to assist users in training models, simplifying the development process of machine learning. Finally, do not miss our machine learning application design, which will provide inspiration and references for users, aiding them in realizing innovations in their respective fields. We sincerely invite industry professionals to join our webinar, interact with the Nuvoton experts, and explore the future application prospects of these latest products. #Nuvoton #NuMicro #EndpointAI #EdgeComputing #CortexM55 #CortexM4 #CortexA35 #M55M1 #MA35D1 #M467 #MCU #MPU #Microcontroller #EthosU55 #NuEdgeWise #Advance #Product #Application #Tool #Webinar #en - For more information, please visit Nuvoton Technology Website: https://bit.ly/3hVdcmC buy now: https://direct.nuvoton.com/ contact us: SalesSupport@nuvoton.com
創新產品  學習  影片長度 - 5:4
This video will introduce how Nuvoton utilizes all design resources for MA35D1. The Design Resource page assemble all MA35D1-related documents, software and hardware resources, divided into eight sections to streamline the search process and minimize user search time. Let's take the NuMaker-HMI-MA35D1-S1 evaluation board as an example. Begin by exploring its features and identifying suitable applications. Then, leverage the design resource page to facilitate a quick and efficient development process, allowing you to get your own application in the shortest time. #MA35D1 #DesignResource #DevelopmentEnvironment #QuickStart #Nuvoton #NuMicro #Microcontroller #MCU #en #Basic #Product #Learning - For more information, please visit Nuvoton Technology Website: https://bit.ly/3hVdcmC buy now: https://direct.nuvoton.com/ contact us: SalesSupport@nuvoton.com
創新產品  學習  影片長度 - 4:56
本影片將介紹新唐 (Nuvoton) 如何使用 MA35D1 所有設計資源,Design Resource 是集合 MA35D1 所有相關的文件與軟硬體資源,並將資源分門別類,減少使用者搜尋的時間。以 NuMaker-HMI-MA35D1-S1 開發板為例,我們要得先了解這塊開發板的特色,適合做哪些應用,利用 Design Resource 頁面開始開發,以最快的速度看到你們自己的應用程式。 #MA35D1 #設計資源 #開發環境 #快速上手 #Basic #Product #Learning #zh-Hant #nuvoton #NuMicro - 更多產品資訊,請至新唐科技網站 https://bit.ly/3hVdcmC 購買管道:https://direct.nuvoton.com/tw 聯絡我們: SalesSupport@nuvoton.com
前瞻應用  研討會  影片長度 - 1:22
隨著工業自動化和智能化技術的不斷進步,新唐科技致力於創新和優化產品解決方案。我們榮幸地介紹NuMicro® MA35D1微處理器—一款專門為高性能工業人機介面(HMI)應用而設計的創新微處理器。透過其強大的處理能力和先進的技術特性,MA35D1微處理器在自動倉儲管理系統中發揮著關鍵作用,尤其在利用Machine Learning技術進行物件的自動分類管理方面展現了優秀的效能。 基於Cortex-A35雙核心架構,MA35D1微處理器提供了高達800 MHz的運行速度,並搭載256 MB的DDR SDRAM,確保了無論是數據處理還是複雜計算任務都能夠迅速、準確地完成。此外,通過NuEdgeWise Tool訓練的模型使得MA35D1不僅能夠識別出輸送帶上經過的不同物件種類,還能夠精確控制後端的伺服馬達進行物件分類,從而實現了倉儲管理系統的高度自動化與智能化。 MA35D1微處理器的周邊介面豐富,包括USB、HMI LCD及PWM控制伺服馬達,這些功能的整合為自動倉儲管理系統提供了強大的支援。這不僅使得系統能夠有效地與外界進行溝通和互動,也極大地提升了系統的適應性和靈活性,使其能夠應對各種複雜的倉儲管理需求。 NuMicro MA35D1微處理器的推出標誌著我們在推動工業4.0及智能物流領域的創新與領導。它不僅體現了我們對於技術創新的不懈追求,也展現了我們致力於為客戶提供高效、智能的解決方案的決心。隨著MA35D1微處理器在自動倉儲管理系統中的應用,我們相信它將為倉儲物流行業帶來前所未有的效率和革命性變革,開啟智慧物流的新篇章。 歡迎系統開發廠商利用新唐AI網頁 https://www.nuvoton.com/ai/ 「聯絡我們」表單,與新唐團隊聯繫,一同探索終端AI新價值。 #zh-Hant #Application #Seminar #General #MA35D1 #TinyML #NuEdgeWise #Nuvoton - 【2023 Roadshow專區】 精彩內容:https://www.nuvoton.com/roadshow2023 - 更多產品資訊,請至新唐科技網站 https://bit.ly/3hVdcmC 購買管道:https://direct.nuvoton.com/tw 聯絡我們:SalesSupport@nuvoton.com
前瞻應用  研討會  影片長度 - 0:57
在智慧製造與工業自動化的全球趨勢下,我們深感榮幸地介紹NuMicro® MA35D1微處理器的推出,這是一款針對工業人機介面(HMI)應用設計的高性能微處理器。MA35D1微處理器不僅為自動化技術設定了新的標準,更在智慧餐飲服務領域展現了其創新應用的無限可能。 MA35D1微處理器基於強大的Cortex-A35雙核心架構,以高達800 MHz的運行速度,配備256 MB的DDR SDRAM,確保了極高的數據處理速度和運算效率。這樣的技術規格使得MA35D1成為處理高複雜度應用場景的理想選擇,尤其是在Machine Learning的自動餐盤辨識系統中。 透過NuEdgeWise Tool進行訓練的模型,MA35D1微處理器能夠精準辨識出不同的餐盤,並即時計算出對應餐盤中的價格,實現自動結帳功能。這項創新不僅提升了餐飲業的服務效率,同時也為消費者帶來了更加便捷與智慧的就餐體驗。 此外,MA35D1的豐富周邊介面,包括USB、HMI和LCD,為自動餐盤辨識系統提供了強大的支援。這不僅確保了系統的高度互動性和可靠性,也大幅擴展了其在各種工業HMI應用中的適用性與靈活性。 NuMicro MA35D1微處理器的推出,是我們對於推動工業4.0進程和實現智慧製造願景的堅定承諾。它不僅代表了我們在高性能微處理器技術領域的最新突破,也為工業自動化與人機互動開闢了全新的應用領域,為未來的創新應用奠定了堅實的基礎。 歡迎系統開發廠商利用新唐AI網頁 https://www.nuvoton.com/ai/ 「聯絡我們」表單,與新唐團隊聯繫,一同探索終端AI新價值。 #zh-Hant #Application #Seminar #General #MA35D1 #TinyML #NuEdgeWise #Nuvoton - 【2023 Roadshow專區】 精彩內容:https://www.nuvoton.com/roadshow2023 - 更多產品資訊,請至新唐科技網站 https://bit.ly/3hVdcmC 購買管道:https://direct.nuvoton.com/tw 聯絡我們:SalesSupport@nuvoton.com
創新產品  前瞻應用  研討會  網路研討會  影片長度 - 1:4:26
新唐科技於 2022 MCU/MPU 新世代產品線上發表會強勢發佈全新微控制器與微處理器系列,基於 Arm® Cortex®-A35、Cortex®-M4、Cortex®-M23 核心,針對不同產業需求與應用場景,提供全面性的 IC 生態系。 基於雙核 64 位 Cortex-A35 高效能核心與單核 Cortex-M4 即時核心的 NuMicro® MA35D1 系列微處理器,Cortex-A35 內核運行速度可達 1 GHz。MA35D1 高效能異核同構微處理器,強調其先進安全特點、硬體圖像加速器、高速連接介面、豐富的外設接口。適用於 Edge Gateway、機器學習、人機介面、工業控制、新能源多種應用場景。 基於 Cortex-M4 的 NuMicro® M460 系列微控制器,運行速度可達 200 MHz,支援安全啟動、密鑰儲存 (Key Store)、HyperBus、相機接口、Fractional Audio PLL。適用於輕量級物聯網網關。 基於 Cortex-M23 的 NuMicro® M254/M256/M258 系列微控制器,內建 LCD 驅動、電容式觸控以及 USB2.0 全速設備,運行速度可達 48 MHz,可運作於 1.75V 至 5.5V 寬工作電壓和 -40℃ 至 105℃ 的工業溫度,更支援 EFT 4.4 kV 與 ESD HBM 7 kV 高抗干擾。適用於各種手持式裝置。 時間:2022/8/17 14:00 00:00:00 intro 00:00:36 NuMicro® MCU/MPU Platforms 00:07:18 NuMicro® M254/M256/M258 Series 00:23:40 NuMicro® M460 High Performance Series 00:44:36 NuMicro® MA35D1 Series #CortexA35 #CortexM4 #CortexM23 #MCU #MPU #MA35D1 #M460 #M258 #LCD #Touchkey #USB #TinyML #IoT #IoTSecurity #HMI #Gateway #EdgeGateway #HyperBus #CANFD #IndustrialControl #MachhineLearning #NewEnergy #Webinar #zh-Hant #product #application #seminar #zh-Hant #General - 更多產品資訊,請至新唐科技網站 https://bit.ly/3hVdcmC 購買管道:https://direct.nuvoton.com/tw 聯絡我們:SalesSupport@nuvoton.com
創新產品  網路研討會  影片長度 - 1:1:9
基於雙核 64 位 Cortex-A35 高效能核心與單核 Cortex-M4 即時核心的 NuMicro MA35D1 系列微處理器,Cortex-A35 內核運行速度可達 1 GHz。MA35D1 高效能異核同構微處理器,強調其先進安全特點、硬體圖像加速器、高速連接介面、豐富的外設接口。適用於 Edge Gateway、機器學習、人機介面、工業控制、新能源多種應用場景。 【講師】 微處理器產品經理:Vic 時間:2022/09/28 #CortexA35 #CortexM4 #MA35D1 #MPU #異核同構 #EdgeGateway #MachineLearning #HMI #IndustrialControl #NewEnergy #HeterogeneousMulti-Core #General #Product #Webinar #zh-Hant - 更多產品資訊,請至新唐科技網站 https://bit.ly/3hVdcmC 購買管道:https://direct.nuvoton.com/tw 聯絡我們:SalesSupport@nuvoton.com
前瞻應用  研討會  影片長度 - 4:21
在當前工業自動化與智慧互聯網時代,技術創新持續推動著人機交互(HMI)領域的突破。針對此一趨勢,我們榮幸地推出了NuMicro® MA35D1微處理器 — 一款專為高性能工業HMI應用而設計的微處理器。此款微處理器不僅在技術規格上展現出色,更在Machine Learning的會議室人數統計(people counting)應用中證明了其突出性能,為需要精準控制人數的空間提供了有效的應用方案。 NuMicro MA35D1微處理器基於Cortex-A35雙核心架構,以高達800 MHz的運行速度提供強大的運算能力,並配備256 MB的DDR SDRAM,確保了數據處理的高效率和穩定性。這種卓越的硬件配置,使得MA35D1能夠輕鬆處理複雜的數據分析和模型運算,特別是在應用NuEdgeWise Tool進行訓練的Model方面,展現了極高的靈活性和準確性。 在會議室人數統計應用中,MA35D1微處理器利用其高性能運算能力和Machine Learning技術,能夠實時準確地計算會議室內的人數,並在需要限制人數的空間中提供有效的人流管理方案。這一功能不僅提升了會議室使用的效率和安全性,也為智慧建築管理系統增添了重要的技術支持。 此外,MA35D1微處理器支持的豐富周邊介面,如USB和HMI LCD,為人數統計系統提供了強大的互聯性和靈活的用戶交互方式。這使得系統不僅能夠有效執行其核心功能,同時也能夠提供直觀便捷的操作體驗。 NuMicro MA35D1微處理器的推出,標誌著我們在推動工業HMI應用和智慧空間管理方面邁出了堅實的一步。它不僅體現了我們在微處理器技術創新的領先地位,也展示了我們致力於滿足市場需求、提供創新解決方案的決心。我們期待MA35D1微處理器能夠在各類智慧應用領域發揮其卓越性能,為用戶帶來更高的價值和更好的體驗。 歡迎系統開發廠商利用新唐AI網頁 https://www.nuvoton.com/ai/ 「聯絡我們」表單,與新唐團隊聯繫,一同探索終端AI新價值。 #zh-Hant #Application #Seminar #General #MA35D1 #Nuvoton #TinyML - 【2023 Roadshow專區】 精彩內容:https://www.nuvoton.com/roadshow2023 - 更多產品資訊,請至新唐科技網站 https://bit.ly/3hVdcmC 購買管道:https://direct.nuvoton.com/tw 聯絡我們:SalesSupport@nuvoton.com
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